📣 We have moved! All of the most up-to-date information on WebPT Products can be found in its new home on WebPT Discover.

Selecting and Enrolling in Courses

Ready to learn more about the products you’re using? This guide shows you how to find and enroll in courses within the WebPT University.

  1. Start by logging into the WebPT University: https://webpt.learnupon.com/users/sign_in
  2. If you do not already have a WebPT University account, click here.
  3. Next, click Catalog on the navigation bar at the top of the page.
  4. On the Catalog page, you can (1) Filter Courses, (2) Sort, or (3) Scroll through the Course List.
  5. When you’ve found a course you’d like to take, select the Enroll button. 

    Tip: use the  Read More link to discover additional information about the course.
  6. Then, select Yes to confirm.
  7. You’ll be re-directed to your dashboard, where you can begin the course by clicking the Start.
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