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Create a Time Block (Non-Patient Appointment)

This is helpful when there is an office meeting, lunch, vacation, or other non-patient appointments. This is also helpful when trying to block off time for a provider when they do not want to have any patients scheduled.

  1. Click on an open time slot to schedule an appointment, just as you would with a patient appointment.
  2. Skip the Patient Quick Search, and type the name of the appointment in the What field.
  3. In the Type field, choose Other.
  4. Add Notes, as needed, then click Save.

Important: Scheduling repeating time blocks over multiple months can cause unforeseen issues especially if you edit or delete one of the blocks. Therefore, we recommend 3-4 month blocks but no longer than a 12-month series. If you need to edit or delete a block within a recurring series, end the series with that block and begin a new series.

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