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Create New Calendar

Do you need help setting up your WebPT calendar? This quick and easy video explains the steps needed to get your calendar up and running.

Users with Clinic, Company, or Calendar Admin permissions can create calendars for WebPT users, treatment rooms, pools, etc. When you create a WebPT user profile in User Manager, if the Create Calendar checkbox is checked, a calendar is automatically created with the name of the user in that profile. You can create a calendar at any time using these instructions.

  1. Click View Schedule in the Scheduler menu. 
  2. Click Manage Calendars in the Schedule Actions menu.

  3. Select the Calendar Settings and User Permissions tab, and click Create New Calendar.

  4. Type a name in the Calendar Name field. Check the Public checkbox. In the Schedule belongs to field, select the name of the person whose calendar it is so they can make changes to it. If you create a calendar for a room or other resource, select the person responsible for scheduling. 

    Note: If this is a new calendar for an existing user, the calendar name must match the name in the user profile exactly.
  5. Click Create.

  6. Checking the Active checkbox makes the calendar active and available in the My Calendar List tab. Checking the Public checkbox makes it available for all other users in your clinic to view. Click Save.
  7. For information on how to set up calendars for multiple clinic locations, click here.

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