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Patient Payments - WebPT Billing

Let's review how patient payments posted in the WebPT EMR flow into WebPT Billing. We’ll also review which reports can be used to manage these payments.


Clinic Settings

Clinic settings do not apply to all clinics under the Company. The following settings will need to be applied for each integrated clinic. 

  1. In the WebPT EMR, click on your Clinic Name in the top-right corner of the application and select Clinic Settings.
  2. Locate the Billing Application Settings section and select the On button for Send Patient Payment Information to Billing Application.
  3. Place a checkmark next to each Payment Type that you want to integrate with WebPT Billing. The available payment types are Copay, Deductible, Wellness, Supplies, Other, Coinsurance, and Payment on Account. 
    Note: Payments collected with Payment on Account charge type will automatically apply to the patient's outstanding balance, ignoring the standard payment allocation rules.

Collecting Payments in the WebPT EMR

When a payment is marked as Paid in WebPT and the transaction is Saved, the payment information is sent to WebPT Billing. Remember, only the Charge Types selected in the Clinic Settings will flow over. 
Note: If you collect a patient payment with a 0.00 for Amount Due, this payment appears on the Billing Exceptions report. Click here to learn about collecting patient payments.

Important: Payments collected as  Internal Payment will not flow into WebPT Billing. If using the Internal Payment option, ensure you exclude that dollar amount when balancing patient payments.
What information is and isn't transferred?

All payment information flows into WebPT Billing except for who entered the payment. The User field will display as Integration Import, Not mapped to a user in the Charge Audit Summary.

Patient Payments in WebPT Billing

Once the payment has been passed through the integration, it will appear in the Financial section on the patient’s account. This will show the sum of all patient payments regardless of case, this is not an itemized list.

For an itemized list of payments, navigate to the Statement and Payments menu and select Create Report for the Patient Payment Log. The log displays a detailed view of each payment line, including the payment type and deposit date.

Billing Exceptions - Added/Updated/Deleted Payments: Closed Month

Payments that are updated or deleted in the WebPT EMR will automatically flow into WebPT Billing unless they are tied to a closed month. These payments will appear on the Billing Exceptions report. To add or correct these payments, you'll need to create an adjustment in the current month, review these instructions to learn how.

WebPT EMR - Claims Feed Report

View patient payments in the Claims Feed Report (Reports > Claims Feed Report) by selecting Transmission from the Reconciliation Mode drop-down.

Failed Payments

Any payment transaction that failed to export will appear on the Claims Feed Report as Transmission Failed. If you enter a payment Charge Type that was not selected under your Clinic Settings, an entry will appear with a Status of Not Sent.

Payment Integration Workflow

Below are the processes for collecting payments and reconciling them daily.

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