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Billing Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Michigan Plans

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has some distinct peculiarities that can make it difficult to bill out clean claims to this payer. This guide will discuss how to set up plan type and payer names correctly in WebPT and Therabill to reduce the number of claim errors you receive. Please note that the information contained in this guide only applies to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and should not be applied to other payers.

Payer Name and Plan Type

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan requires a valid Plan Type code based on where the claim will be routed. Below is helpful information on how to set up the plan types between WebPT and the application so that they will populate correctly on the claims. Failing to choose the correct plan type code can result in an Electronic Claim Errors resulting from an invalid claim office number or invalid source of payment code.

WebPT Information

Therabill Information

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