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WebPT/FOTO Setup

FOTO integration is only available for PTPN Members

Linking WebPT with FOTO

To integrate your WebPT and FOTO accounts, you’ll first need to obtain your API Key from FOTO. The API Key is an alphanumeric code that links the two accounts together. Once you have your API, log into WebPT, navigate to your Clinic Settings, and enter the code in the FOTO API Key field, as shown in the image below.

Below the API Key field, you will see the option to enable FOTO on all patients. If you select  Yes, you must input a FOTO ID for every patient. If you select No, WebPT will prompt you to input a FOTO ID for every patient, but you can choose to bypass the alert message if you do not wish to enter a FOTO ID.

Linking a Patient in WebPT and FOTO

At this point, the WebPT-FOTO integration only works for new patients. In other words, you can’t automatically import existing FOTO patients into WebPT. To add a new FOTO patient to your WebPT account, click the Identifications tab located next to Contact Info within the Add Patient screen. Then, click  Add Identification and choose FOTO ID in the ID Type drop-down.

Because each FOTO ID is linked to a specific patient, you can only use a FOTO ID once. When you enter a patient’s FOTO ID, leave both the Issuing Source and the Effective/Expiration Date field blank, as shown above.

When you create a patient with a FOTO ID within WebPT, the system will automatically transfer that patient’s information to FOTO. You will then need to log in to FOTO and perform the following steps:

  1. Click Patient Activity. Then click Add Patient in the top-left corner of the screen.
  2. Start typing your patient’s first or last name. As you type, you should see your patient appear on the right side of the screen. Click the green “+” icon.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have duplicate FOTO IDs for a patient. How do I delete the duplicate?

Call or email WebPT Support with a live patient example. The FOTO module will need to be disabled (make sure that no patients are added to WebPT at this time). The duplicate IDs can then be removed and the FOTO module reactivated.

Why is my patient info not flowing over from WebPT to FOTO?

If your patient was created in FOTO first, it will not be tied to their WebPT chart.

I have a patient in FOTO, can I add them in WebPT and link them?

No, the Integration is ‘one-way’ from WebPT to FOTO.  If the FOTO profile isn’t created by the Integration there is no way to map the two profiles.

What happens if I set up a WebPT patient without a FOTO ID and then change my mind later? Can I update this in WebPT?

Best Practice: Create a FOTO ID upon patient intake.  This gives you the option should you decide to use FOTO in the future.

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