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Patient Balance from WebPT Billing

View the patient’s outstanding balance when collecting payments. The balance is representative of all sessions related to the patient and is not case-specific. Note that this information is only available to Members with the WebPT EMR + WebPT Billing integration.



On the dashboard, the Agenda will display the day’s appointments and any outstanding balance from the WebPT Billing system.


Let’s review how to locate the balance from the Scheduler.

  1. From the dashboard, click View Schedule.
  2. Open the patient’s appointment and select Check In. If the patient has an outstanding balance in WebPT Billing, the Collect Payment window will automatically open. If the patient does not have an outstanding balance, but you’d like to enter a payment, click Payment.
  3. The patient’s balance in WebPT Billing will be available in the Balance from billing system section.
  4. Recently added payments may not be reflected in this balance immediately.

Why is my patient showing a N/A balance?

This indicates that the patient has not been found in WebPT Billing. This typically occurs when a patient has just been created in the EMR and their information hasn’t flowed into WebPT Billing via the integration yet.

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