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Guarantor Information

The guarantor is the person held accountable for the patient's bill. The guarantor is the patient unless the patient is a minor or an incapacitated adult.  The main purpose of this field is to provide a record of the party responsible for payment. Please note that the guarantor information will not show in WebPT's documentation.

Guarantor Settings

  1. Indicate that the patient is the guarantor by selecting Yes next to Is Guarantor in the Patient Info section.
  2. When adding the insurance to the patient's chart, the guarantor information will automatically populate from the Patient Info section. If you wish to add a new guarantor, select New Guarantor or Patient Is Not Guarantor on the Guarantor Information screen. If you accidentally choose one of these options, just use the Patient is Guarantor button to restore the patient's information. 
  3. You cannot save the patient without guarantor information. If you unselect the patient as the guarantor and you do not have a guarantorʼs information saved in the Insurance tab, the following error message will appear prompting you to add the information.
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