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Search Discharged Cases by Date Range

Quickly pull a list of patients with discharged cases within a specified date range directly in the  Patient Search window. The following are just a few reasons why you may want to look at these patients.

  • Follow up, to check in with patients and see how they’re doing.
  • Marketing purposes, to send patients a thank you card after they’re discharged, as well as solicit feedback on their experience with your clinic.
  • Internal auditing help, to see which patients have been discharged, allowing the clinic to make sure all paperwork and payments are completed.

Let’s say you’d like to see a list of patients that have discharge notes for the month of July.

  1. Click Display Patients on the left-hand side of the screen under the Patient Manager.
  2. Select Discharged in the Case Status dropdown.
  3. Select the appropriate dates for the Discharge Date Range section. Click Search.
  4. Export your search results using the Export to Excel link.

Note: The discharge date refers to Case Status – not Patient Status. If a patient has multiple cases, it’s possible for a patient to appear in the discharge list, but still be an active patient.

In order to only look at discharged patients (meaning patients without active cases), choose  Discharged for the Patient Status dropdown.

Analytics users can also find discharge information in the Cases Overview section of the Productivity Dashboard.

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