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Advanced Patient Search

Leverage the advanced patient search feature to find a patient or a specific subset of patients.

  1. In the top-right corner of the EMR, click Advanced Search.


  1. Locate the Patient Manager section, in the left-hand menu, and click Display Patients.
  2. Add or change any desired search filters, or click Search All to view any patients that meet the pre-populated filters.
  3. Click Search.

Search Filters

All search filters are optional, excluding those pre-populated.

  • First Name: Enter at least one character to activate this field. The search will analyze the entire first name for a match, regardless of the position. For example, searching for “al” could generate a patient named “Alan” as well as “Sally.”
  • Last Name: Enter at least one character to activate this field. The search will analyze the entire last name for a match, regardless of the position. For example, searching for “ne” could generate a patient named “Nero” as well as “Jones.”
  • Birth Date: A numerical value must be entered in at least one of the three fields. The fields, in order, are month, day, and year.
  • Therapist: Choose from the therapists listed in your clinic.
  • Physician: Perform a full or partial search of the Referring Physician listed on any of the patient’s cases.
  • Insurance: Perform a full or partial search of the insurance company listed on the patient’s chart.
  • Patient ID: Locate a patient based on the Patient ID that may have been entered on the Identifications tab of their chart.
  • Insurance Type: Choose from the types pre-built in the system.
  • Search Type: Indicate if you want to search for patients within the entire company, the entire clinic, or only those that have cases assigned to you.
  • Patient Status: Filter by Active, Inactive, Discharged, Pending, or All.
  • Case Status: Filter patients that have a case that is considered Active, Discharged, or All.
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