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Therabill Claims Feed Report Errors

If you have a Therabill integration it is important to check your Claims Feed Report Daily to ensure claims are going through. 

This report is accessible under the Reports section on the left side of WebPT.

If you have a new therapist finalizing documentation, ensure that they have been added to Therabill before they finalize their first note. Otherwise, you'll receive an HL7 Transmission error in Therabill.

Common Errors

Invalid Provider Type: Appears if a therapist assistant finalizes a note for a patient whose insurance carrier may not allow therapist assistants to submit claims. Review payer guidelines from the carrier to ensure correct therapist types see patients with that particular insurance carrier.

snpu_(Validation error): Appears if the provider forgot to add billing in the Objective tab of the Daily Note. Addend the Daily Note to include billing information.

Could not match rendering provider from sender to rendering provider in Therabill: You'll need to add the provider into Therabill. 

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