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Kareo Integrated Payments

Let's review how payments posted in WebPT flow into Kareo. Remember: Only payments listed as  Copay will flow into Kareo.


When a payment is listed as a  Copay, marked as Paid, and the transaction is Saved, the payment information is ready for transmission. The payment is not sent until the corresponding Daily Note is finalized.

Important: The payment must be entered before the Daily Note is finalized or else the payment will not flow over. You will then have to manually enter the payment into Kareo.


When the payment is sent with the Daily Note, it will be listed on the Encounter. The  Memo field will display Copay Collected in WebPT.

What information is and isn't transferred?

Kareo Support

If you need to reach out to Kareo Support, check out their Contact Us page for their support options.

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