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How do I Delete (Inactivate) a Physician?

Because physicians cannot be deleted in the EMR, we’ve included an inactive status drop-down to exclude unwanted profiles from appearing in the referring physician drop-down when adding a patient case. However, using the inactive status can have unintended downstream effects.

Inactive profiles and all associated data will not flow into Analytics reports, and all previous referral data tied to that physician record will be deleted. This will impact your overall referral numbers and individual referral comparison reports.

You should only inactivate a Physician if: 

  1. It is a duplicate;
  2. It was a test record you created to assist with learning the application (generally during onboarding); or
  3. It is a record that you created, but no referral data was ever tied to it and it will not be used in the future.

Inactivating a Physician

  1. Navigate to the record you want to make inactive.
  2. Select the entry to open up the profile for editing. 
  3. Use the Status drop-down menu at the top of the profile and select Inactive.
  4. Complete the inactivation of the record and save your changes using the Edit Physician button at the bottom of the page.
  5. To locate an inactive record, set your search filter to inactive and key in any additional search terms.
  6. You can reactivate inactive profiles. This will restore all data tied to this record in Analytics.
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