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UB-04 Billing: WebPT Setup

Complete setup items in the WebPT EMR to turn on UB-04 Billing for your clinic. First, choose clinic settings. Next, adjust insurance settings for each payer requiring UB-04.

UB-04 billing is only available for Advanced MD, Kareo, and Collaborate MD billing integrations.

Clinic Settings

Only Clinic Administrators can adjust these settings. 

  1. In the upper right of WebPT, click the clinic name drop-down, then select Clinic Settings.
  2. Scroll down to the UB-04 heading and select the Submitting Facility and Bill Classification you bill under.
  3. Click the Save Settings button at the bottom of the screen.

Insurance Settings

UB-04 Billing is applied at the insurance level and will need to be turned on for each insurance that uses UB-04 billing. You must be an Insurance Admin to complete these steps. 

  1. In the Insurance Manager, edit existing insurance by selecting Display Insurance; locate the insurance and click edit to the right. Or, add new insurance by clicking Add Insurance in the Insurance Manager.
  2. Under the Settings column, check the box to Apply UB-04 Billing.
  3. Then click on the Settings link and fill out applicable UB-04 settings for that payer. For AdvancedMD, the Monthly Billing option should be set to Yes.
  4. Click OK on the settings window, then click Edit/Add Insurance to save the insurance settings.
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