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My Missed Notes Report shows a Patient with a Finalized Note (No Charges)

When you run a Missed Notes Report, it will list patients that do not have daily notes completed for a particular date of service. If you notice a patient listed on the report that does have a completed note for that date of service, an evaluative note type (Initial Examination, Re-examination, Progress note) may have been finalized without adding a daily note.

Here's how to correct this.

  1. Navigate to the patient's chart by clicking on the patient's name in the report.
  2. Use the Patient Record Actions drop-down and select Add Daily Note. Use the play button to open the note.                 
  3. Set the Date of Daily Note field to the date of the evaluative note. In our example, it is 7/28/17.
  4. Adding in the charges in the Objective tab, and finalize the note.
  5. Regenerate the report. Your patient will no longer appear. 
  6. For Medicare patients, complete the steps above and then call WebPT Support. The notes must be manually linked in the backend. 
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