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How to Change the Primary Functional Limitation for G-Code Reporting

If you need to adjust the primary functional limitation for your patient during the course of treatment, you will need to complete a progress note or re-examination to discharge the current functional limitation and select a new one. This article describes the general method of choosing a new functional limitation. 

Subjective Tab

  1. In the Current Functional Limitations section of the Subjective tab, locate the section stating that "[FL] has been established as the primary functional limitation in a current or concurrent case for this patient." In this case, the selected primary functional limitation is Self Care. Using the radio buttons, select No.
  2. Select the patient's new primary functional limitation from the drop-down that appears. 

Objective Tab

  1. Designate the discharge status of the current functional limitation. 
  2. Complete the Functional Reporting For New Primary Functional Limitation section by selecting the current status and projected goal status for the new primary limitation. 

Assessment Tab

  1. In the Assessment tab, adjust the progress of the previous goals. You will also need to set the duration of the patient's new primary functional limitation goal.

Please ensure your documentation supports any changes you make to a patient’s primary functional limitation.

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