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Claims Feed (Analytics Report)

This article discusses the Claims Feed report in Analytics. The Claims Feed is an Analysis Grid style report that allows you to monitor transmissions sent to your integrated billing partner across all clinic locations. Click here, for the Claims Feed Report in the EMR.


You can locate this report in the Documented Units section of Reports in Analytics. If you do not see the report listed in this section, ensure that you have the correct Analytics Access permission.

Run and Customize the Report

  1. Remember, you can adjust the data seen using the View Clinics by: drop-down menu and corresponding (…) button in the header, to select which clinics you want to view data for.
  2. Similar to how the report functions in the EMR, you can choose to view the data by Transmission Date (default) or by Date of Service.
  3. With dynamic filters, easily locate transmissions by Therapist, Status, Patient Name, or Transmission Type for a specific date range.
  4. Click on the patient’s name in the table to navigate to their patient chart.

Transmission Status Definitions

  • Initiated: Claim is starting the submission process.
  • Validation OK (Pending): Information is being validated before being accepted by the billing software.
  • Validation Failed: Claim was rejected by billing software.
  • Transmission Pending: Claim is in the queue to transfer over to billing software.
  • Transmission Failed: Claim was rejected by billing software.
  • Transmission Successful: Claim was accepted by billing software.
  • Claim Re-submitted: Notification of re-submission.
  • NOT RE-BILLED: The provider made an addendum to the document, and "Finalize" was selected, instead of "Finalize and Re-Bill."
  • Not Sent: Claim was not sent to the billing software.

Column Field Descriptions

Field Name Definition Source
Clinic Name The clinic location where the patient's note was finalized. Patient Notes
Transmission Date The date the claim was actually transmitted to the integrated billing solution. This should correspond with the time the note was finalized.
Transmission Time The time at which the claim was actually transmitted to the integrated billing solution. This should correspond with the time the note was finalized.
Date of Service The date of service listed in the patient's note. Date of Service field in the finalized SOAP Note
Patient Name The patient's name as entered in the Patient Info section of the patient chart. First Name and Last Name fields in the Patient Info section
Date of Birth The patient's date of birth as entered in the Patient Info section of the patient chart. Date of Birth field in the Patient Info section
Finalizing Therapist The name of the therapist who finalized the note. This is not necessarily the documenting or assigned case therapist. Patient Notes
Transmission Type The type of transmission that was processed.
Transmission Type Link Link to the PDF of the finalized note.
Patient Notes
Transmission Status The status of the transmission, including whether it failed.
Transmission Status Link
Patient Notes
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