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Add Chart

The Add Chart functionality is available for each Analysis Grid report in Analytics. You can use this to better visualize subsections of your data through different chart types. Importantly, charts can be exported to your Dashboard, allowing you to take a snapshot of data at time-intervals determined by your selected date range. 

Creating a Chart

Choosing the right way to visualize your data is very important, which is why we offer seven different chart types. The availability of each chart type is determined by the data present in your Analysis Grid. For example, the Patient Notes Analysis Grid only has four chart types to choose from because the data does not meet the criteria for all chart types.  

Chart Types

Building Your Chart

Let’s review how to build a chart. 

  1. From the desired Analysis Grid, click the Add Chart button.               
  2. From the Options section, select your chart type. Remember, not all chart types will be available on all grids.
  3. Depending on the chart type selected, you’ll have different options for variables. These are generally described in the Chart Variable Requirements section of the table above. For the Heatmap chart, we’ll look at three variables.              
  4. You can choose any of the available variables from the drop-down menus, and your chart will adjust in real-time to display selected values.   
  5. Note: The data displayed is based on the date range set for the Analysis Grid report.             
  6. You can hover over each section to view the underlying data points.                                
  7. Once you are happy with your chart, you can save it for use on your dashboard by clicking the Add Chart to Dashboard button.

A Note About Columns

You’ll notice that each drop-down variable within a chart is given a “column” designation. These directly are directly related to a data column within the Analysis Grid. 

Using the Additional Column Functionality

Four charts—Bar, Line, Curved Line, and Scatter Plot—support the addition of another data column. This allows you to select a second axis and label which will appear automatically along the side of the chart, opposite the original y-axis. 

  1. Select your additional column variable from the drop-down.
  2. Here, you can pick an aggregation option for the selected variable (sum, count, average, etc.) if your data allows for it. 
  3. Choose how you want to display the data from the different options available in this drop-down, including Stacked, Side-by-Side, and Stacked Percentage. 
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