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Add a Custom CPT Code

Add custom timed and untimed CPT codes to the billing portion of your WebPT documentation. Custom codes are added in the Billing tab of evaluative note types (Initial Examination, Progress Note/Re-cert, and Discharge Summary) or in the Objective tab of a Daily Note.


  • Custom codes can be viewed in reporting but will appear with a zero unit value in Analytics. We purposely have designed Analytics to show the custom code itself but not the number of units billed.
  • When adding a custom code in SOAP 1.0, you won't be able to select Additional modifiers
  • Custom CPT Codes have a limit of 9 characters. 

Adding Custom Untimed CPT Codes in SOAP 1.0

  1. Under the Untimed Codes heading, scroll down to the Custom CPT Description field and check the box to the left to show that you want to include this code in your finalized note. 
  2. Add the description in the first field and the CPT code to the second field. Optional: input minutes spent to help calculate total treatment minutes. 

Adding Custom Timed CPT Codes

  1. Under the Direct Timed Codes heading, scroll down to the first Custom CPT Description field.
  2. Type the number of units in the first field, the description in the second field, and the CPT code in the third field. Input total treatment minutes, especially for insurances that follow the 8-minute rule.

Adding Custom CPT Codes in SOAP 2.0

  1. In the Charge Summary section, select the CPT Code+ link.
  2. Select the drop-down menu, then scroll down and click Use Custom Code.
  3. Enter the CPT code, then use the radio buttons to select Untimed or Direct Timed code. Add the description and click Apply
  4. Enter the Modifier(s), Minutes, and Units.
  5. Direct Minutes refers to the total time spent on Direct Timed Code activities. Total Minutes refers to the total time spent on treating the patient. (Direct Minutes PLUS minutes spent on Untimed Codes). This is a combination of both Untimed and Direct Timed Codes, which is helpful for insurances that follow the 8-minute rule. Click here for more information on the 8-minute rule.
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