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New York Worker's Compensation

Starting January 1, 2019, the New York state-specific treatment forms (such as PT-4) used for billing and reporting will be optional. Providers may replace these forms with the CMS-1500 form and a required Narrative Report.To download an example PT/OT Narrative Report, click here.

What does this mean for you?

Your clinic can opt out of additional forms (such as PT-4) and provide a CMS-1500 and Narrative Report instead.

What is required for a PT/OT Narrative Report?

Per the New York State Worker's Compensation Board:

  • Rendering Provider's Name
  • Referring Provider's Name: What was the frequency and period of the treatment ordered?
  • Diagnosis(es) of Referring Provider
  • Examination Findings
  • (Re-)Evaluation/(Re-)Assessment of the patient's condition: Progress/Gains toward specific objective functional goals related to work or activities of daily living. Were identified goals met? If no, comment on the re-evaluation and/or change in treatment plan.
  • Plan of Care: Treatment plan including a plan for the identification of ongoing specific objective functional goals and the re-evaluation of treatment.

Can I submit the Narrative Report electronically?

While payers will start accepting Narrative Reports electronically, you are unable to accomplish this in the application. We are diligently working to create a tool to submit Narrative Reports electronically with your CMS-1500 forms. Electronic submission is not required until January 1, 2020.

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