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Use Habilitative Profile

The “Use Pediatrics Profile” checkbox on the patient profile has been updated to “Use Habilitative Profile” for SOAP 2.0 enabled clinics. The function of the profile checkbox has not changed for SOAP 1.0 notes and will continue to load the Pediatrics profile in documentation as expected. 

For users who have implemented SOAP 2.0, the Use Habilitative Profile checkbox will be available for any patient, not just those under age 18. 

Let’s review how the Use Habilitative Profile works in SOAP 2.0.

SOAP 2.0 Documentation Updates

  • Areas of Concern and Goals will replace Problems and Goals in the Assessment section 
  • Date of Diagnosis will replace Date of Onset 
  • The Pregnancy and Birth History subsection will be added to the Subjective section

Enabling the Habilitative Profile

For a New Patient:

  1. Click Add Patient.
  2. Below the Date of Birth field, select the Use Habilitative Profile checkbox
  3. Once you have added all the required information, click Save Patient.

For an Existing Patient:

  1. From the Patient Records page, click on Patient Info.
  2. Click the Edit icon in the upper right corner.
  3. Select the Use Habilitative Profile checkbox.
  4. Click Save Patient.
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