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After You've Added a New Clinic Location

The next time you log into WebPT after adding a new clinic location, it will appear in the Clinics drop-down menu in the top-left corner of the screen.

Before you can begin documenting in the new location, there are a few steps you’ll need to complete.

Clinic Settings

We recommend configuring your new clinic’s setting to match those of your other clinic(s). This ensures that your requirements and workflows remain consistent no matter what clinic you’re working in. This is especially important for things like Assistant Finalization, Outcomes, and Alerts.

For more information on clinic settings, click here.

Medicare Fee Schedule

  1. Click on the name of your clinic in the top-right corner of the screen.
  2. Select Clinic Settings from the drop-down.
  3. Under Medicare Fee Schedule, indicate your Regional Location and Facility Type.
  4. Click Save Settings at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Click on the name of your clinic in the top-right corner of the screen.
  6. Select Medicare Fee Schedule from the drop-down.
  7. Choose to either sync your fee schedule with your other location(s) or use the regional fee schedule. This ensures your Medicare threshold-tracking functionality remains accurate between locations.

Clinic Access for Patients

If any existing patients will be seen at the new clinic location, you’ll need to update their profiles. This is only applicable to clinics with the same Tax ID.

  1. From the Clinics drop-down menu in the top-left corner, select the patient’s Primary Clinic.
  2. Navigate to the patient’s chart using your preferred method.
  3. Select Patient Info.
  4. Locate the Clinics box and click Add Clinic.
  5. Select the new clinic location using the drop-down list and select Ok.
  6. Click Save Patient.

Create Provider Calendars in New Clinic

To keep therapists’ schedules for the new location separate from those in your other locations, you’ll need to create new calendars for any existing or new therapists. For more information and instructions, please see: Create a New Calendar and Calendar Settings and User Permissions.

We recommend adding a location identifier to the end of each therapist’s calendar name to easily identify which calendar belongs to which location. For example, if you’re creating a calendar for therapist Arthur Alabaster in the new Tempe clinic, you might name the calendar “Arthur Alabaster - Tempe.”

Appointment Reminders

If your clinic uses appointment reminders, you’ll need to set up these reminders to ensure your patients will receive their automatic appointment reminders.

  1. Click Reminder Setup in the Tools section.
  2. Complete all of the required fields and other details as needed, you'll find further details here.
  3. Select Save Settings.

Clinic Access for Users

You can provide clinic access to existing users at no additional cost. To add access to the new location for existing users, please see: Add a Clinic Location to a User.

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