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Edit Your User Profile

In your user profile, you can update information such as your name, email address, signature, reset your password, and more. If you are a user manager, you can update your permissions as well, and you can change or reset your password.


  • If your name changes and you update it in your user profile, you must update the name of your calendar to match it for reporting data to be accurate.
  • Please check with a user manager if you need to change your User Type. Do not change the User Type in your profile.
  • Usernames cannot contain spaces or commas. Additionally, email addresses may be used as a username, however, the email address in the username field must match the email address in the email address field.
  1. Click your name in the upper right corner, and select My Profile.
  2. Make changes in the Profile Details section or set your signature in the Therapist Signature section.
  3. Click Save User.
Reset Password
  1. To reset your password, enter your new password in the Password section.
  2. When you type in the password, the requirements will be displayed and you will be able to save it when they are met. You are required to create a strong password. If the password strength says "Good" you won't be able to save the user. The more complex your password is, the more security it provides for your account information.
  3. Re-enter your password in the Confirm Password field. This field will turn red if your passwords do not match.
  4. When your passwords meet the requirements and match, click Save User.
  5. Alternatively, click Send Reset Email to send the instructions to the email address listed in the profile.
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