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Multiple Tax IDs (Multi-Company Organizations)

Each unique Tax ID represents a company in the WebPT EMR., so each Tax Identifier listed on your WebPT Sign-Up form will be created as a separate Company in WebPT. The Company, or Tax ID, acts as a "parent" in your location drop-down box and each clinic acts as a "child" of that company.

Data in the WebPT EMR is stored by Company/Tax ID with data shared between clinic listed under the same Company/Tax ID. Therefore, if you add a patient, physician, or insurance to a clinic, that data will be shared with all other clinics under that company because they all share the same Tax ID - but that data will not be shared with your other Companies/Tax IDs.

Example: You have two companies in the EMR

  • Arizona PT & Spine
  • Arizona OT Specialists

Your patient, John Smith, needs both PT and OT services and will be receiving treatment at each company. However, since they are separate companies with separate Tax IDs, John Smith will have to be added as a patient twice - once under each company.

Users can access multiple companies and clinic locations easily by using the drop-down under the WebPT logo. Companies will be listed in bold and clinics—which share that company's Tax ID—will be listed underneath.

If a user does not see the drop-down box under the WebPT logo, it means a WebPT User Manager has only granted them access to one company and clinic location. Here's how to grant users access to different locations.

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